foster a greyhound

Fostering is a great way for animal lovers to experience the joy of having a dog in their life without making the commitment of adopting a dog for life. GAP Tas is very flexible and accommodating for those who wish to volunteer as Foster Carers.

Become a foster carer

Foster carers play an integral role in transitioning Greyhounds to pet life. They provide an opportunity for Greyhounds to familiarise themselves with the family home, and learn new skills including adapting to new smells in the kitchen, noise from the TV, washing machine and vacuum cleaner, walking in public streets and parks, meeting strangers (adults and children alike), and much more. As a foster carer, the commitment is three weeks and all that is asked is a report after each week, updating GAP of the progress the Greyhound has made. Food and drop off/pick up is all part of the GAP service.

Become a foster carer

GAP Tas could not operate without loving volunteer foster carers who open their homes to dogs. Fostering is a great way for animal lovers to experience the joy of having a dog in their life without making the commitment of adopting a dog for life.

Steps to Foster

Helping greyhounds adjust to life in a domestic environment by fostering a dog for a period of time, ensures greyhounds are well-balanced and suitable for their forever homes.

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Foster Carer Rewards Scheme

We believe our Foster Carers do an amazing job and deserve to be recognised and rewarded, so we are introducing a GAPTas Foster Carer rewards scheme

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  • Toni's story

    For some people fostering a greyhound is a great way to test the proverbial waters of having a pet, but what about fostering over 70 greyhounds?

    Read Toni's story right-arrow